
Willow Mackenzie Design - Packaging

Designs for creative packaing concepts.

 Bombarda Coffee has a magical blast of energy to help you through all your mundane muggle endeavours. Light, medium and dark roasts available. You can find Bombarda Coffee at the local King's Cross coffee shop.

Bombarda Coffee has a magical blast of energy to help you through all your mundane muggle endeavours. Light, medium and dark roasts available. You can find Bombarda Coffee at the local King's Cross coffee shop.

 Various designs for Glowbug Cloth Diapers.

Various designs for Glowbug Cloth Diapers.

 Mooncake tin designs for Carrianna and Taipan Snowy Mooncakes.

Mooncake tin designs for Carrianna and Taipan Snowy Mooncakes.

 Private label candle designs and Christmas train tin design for Stannum Can Inc.

Private label candle designs and Christmas train tin design for Stannum Can Inc.